Activate your alliteration addiction

April 24, 2012 at 7:49 am (Daily Awesomeness, Food)

See this?

It’s bok choy with butter and basil.

Delicious AND intellectually satisfying.


  1. W said,

    Alliterative food! What an idea! I see a challenge being set for myself.

    • Louise Curtis said,

      W: Your challenge: eat a whole meal where all the ingredients – including herbs or spices – start with the same letter. Then come back and report.

  2. W said,

    I’m thinking potato and pumpkin with pakchoy (which works if you use an older transcription) and paprika. Prawns would work too, but they’d be too fiddly. Ooh, and pork!

    Same letter or same phoneme? If it’s letter, then I can have carrot and celery, but if it’s phoneme, I can have celery and sumac (which I doubt are a good combination).

    • Louise Curtis said,

      W: Nice work with the historical interpretation.

      For you, phonemes.

  3. W said,

    I ended up with pan-fried pork and pureed Pink Ladies (apples) with pork and potatoes. They didn’t have any pakchoy or plums, and pumpkins wouldn’t match.

    • Louise Curtis said,

      W: I saw the picture on facebook. Brilliant.

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